Contact Information

AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH
Science Park 1
66123 Saarbruecken, Germany

Phone: +49 681 383 600
Fax:+49 681 383 60 20

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We are located in the Science Park 1 building at the main en­trance of the Univer­sity of Saar­land, in the woods around Saarbruecken, the capi­tal of the German state of Saar­land. The town lies in the south-west of Germany, right at the bor­der with France, halfway between Strasbourg and Luxem­bourg.

Directions by car
Visiting by train or plane

Directions by car

→ Coming from France (Metz/Paris/Strasbourg)

Take the Paris–Mannheim highway as far as the exit Ausfahrt St. Ingbert West. Follow the white road signs Universität until you reach the exit Universität-Nord/Science Park Saar.

← From the east (Mannheim/Kaiserslautern/Karlsruhe)

Follow the A6 Mannheim-Paris highway as far as the exit Ausfahrt St. Ingbert West. Follow the white road signs Universität until you reach the exit Universität-Nord/Science Park Saar.

↓ From the north (Koblenz/Trier)

Follow the A1 till the interchange Autobahnkreuz Saarbrücken, then take the A8 as far as the interchange Autobahnkreuz Neunkirchen. From there proceed towards Saarbruecken (see ap­proaching from the east). This is a detour, but it will save you lots of searching and holdups in the city.

↘ From Luxembourg

Follow the A8/A620 towards Saarbruecken, as far as the exit Ausfahrt Bismarckbrücke. Follow the white road signs Universität until you reach the exit Universität-Nord/Science Park Saar.

Visiting by train

  • ↓ via Koblenz/Trier, hourly RegionalExpress service (RE)
  • ← via Mannheim/Karlsruhe, hourly InterCity (IC) or InterCityExpress (ICE)
  • → via Metz or by direct express from Paris in under two hours
  • ↑ via Strasbourg

See the English site of the German Railways for further information and online booking.

From the Saarbruecken Central Station, take a taxi to the Science Park (~10 minutes/€12).

Alternatively, take bus number 102, 112 or 124 (to “Dudweiler Dudoplatz”, “Uni Campus”, or “Uni Busterminal”) and get off at the stop “Universität — Botanischer Garten” (~10 minutes/€3). Online timetables for the local bus services are available in German. Contact us if you have any questions.

Visiting by plane

Saarbruecken Airport has direct connections with the following cities:

  • Antalya
  • Berlin
  • Dresden
  • Duesseldorf
  • Hamburg
  • Leipzig
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaga
  • Thessaloniki

From the airport, take a taxi to the Science Park (approx. 15 minutes/€20).

Alterna­tively, take bus number R10 to the Saarbruecken Central Station, then see the section “Visiting by train”.

Saarbruecken is also tightly connected by train and shuttle bus (every 2 hours) to the airports at Luxem­bourg and Frankfurt.