Static WCET analysis for PowerPC e200

aiT WCET Analyzer for e200 statically computes tight bounds for the worst-case execution time of tasks in safety-critical applications written or generated in C, C++ or Ada and compiled to run on PowerPC processors with an e200 core.

Call graph with WCET analysis results

Your benefits

Key features

Supported processor derivates

The standard license covers one derivate of your choice. Additional derivates can be unlocked for a surcharge.

MPC55xx, MPC56xx, and MPC57xx derivates that are not listed above but are able to emit Nexus program trace messages (IEEE-ISTO 5001, class 2 or higher) can be analyzed using TimeWeaver that combines aiT’s static path analysis with real-time instruction-level tracing. This hybrid approach is compliant with CAST-32A and EASA AMC 20-193.

Timing profiling from day one

In order to provide WCET guarantees, aiT formally models the exact processor derivate your application is executed on.

If you haven’t picked a specific PowerPC derivate yet — or if the final pick is not yours to make —, you can nonetheless benefit from static analysis to develop your application in a timing-conscious way, from day one.

For this, you can use the fully-integrated TimingProfiler. It will help you identify application parts that will cause unsatisfactory execution times regardless of the specific make of PowerPC you end up using.

Once the hardware has been decided on, you can then easily switch from TimingProfiler to aiT, within the same GUI, keeping all your settings and annotations, and without having to install anything.

Also available for PowerPC

Supported compilers

The standard license covers one compiler of your choice. Additional compilers can be unlocked for a surcharge.

Qualification support

Your usage of aiT for e200 can be qualified according to ISO 26262, DO-178B/C, and other safety standards. We offer Qualification Support Kits that help you simplify and automate your qualification process:

Compiler-specific QSKs for other compilers can be developed on request.

System requirements

Independent reviews

Integration with SCADE

For MPC55xx, aiT is also available as an integral part of the SCADE Suite, the market-leading mission and safety-critical embedded soft­ware devel­opment environ­ment from ANSYS.

SCADE provides a full suite of Model-Based Design (MBD) tools from formal graphical design capture and validation down to embedded C code generation for mission and safety-critical pro­duction use.

SCADE is the only MDB solution that is DO-178B and DO-178C qualified up to level A for Military and Aerospace Industries, IEC 61508 certified at SIL 3 by TÜV for Heavy Equipment and Energy, and EN 50128 certified at SIL 4 by TÜV for Rail Transportation.

Free trial

You can try aiT for free, on your own applications, for a period of 30 days. The free license covers:

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