Astrée and RuleChecker Release 21.10

Improved precision
* Improved precision of:
  - the congruence interval domain
  - the interpolation domain on typical interpolation code patterns
  - widening for non-relational domains
  - widening heuristics for integers and floating-point values
  - the modulo operator % used in conditions
  - offsetof for the code pattern
      &((S*) NULL)->field

  - float comparisons in cases where one of the arguments can be
    NaN, ∞, or −∞

* Improved the heuristics for octagon packing and the precision 
  of the octagon domain with respect to multiplication.

* Variables that are subject to __ASTREE_global_assert 
  now retain their globally asserted bounds, even when 
  affected by data races.

* If the option cut-write-to-const is enabled, then 
  write_to_constant_memory alarms are used to sharpen 
  the analysis information such that affected pointers 
  cannot point to definitely const memory afterwards.

* When representing values that may be either integers or pointers, 
  Astrée now prefers precision on pointer offset information 
  over precision on integer values.

* Improved precision of modulo-intervals such that
  intervals with outlier values like [0,16] U {255}
  can be represented precisely in many cases.

* Improved precision for analysis projects with data race alarms 
  or __ASTREE_absolute_address directives.

Weighted findings
To grade alarms according to their significance, 
findings are now extended by a new attribute “weight”.
The weight can be displayed in an extra column in the Findings view. 
It is hidden by default and can be enabled from the context menu 
by right-clicking on the table header.
The findings can also be filtered according to their weight 
from Overview -> Filter.
The corresponding DAX tag is <threshold kind="weight">.
The weight can be exported to the XML report and custom report files 
using the DAX element <include-weight threshold="value">.

Improved tooltips
* Tooltips now show information provided by 
  the congruence interval domain.

* Tooltips now show more precise interval information for floats.
  If a lower bound on the absolute value is known,
  then two intervals are displayed: one with negative,
  and one with positive range.

Improved directives
* New directive __ASTREE_partition_calls(()) 
  that partitions function calls in any declaration or the statement 
  that directly follows it. For if, switch, for, while, and do-while 
  statements, it only partitions function calls in the condition expression.

* __ASTREE_partition_control now also works when placed in front of 
  a switch statement whose body starts with declarations.

* __ASTREE_modify((x; full_range)) no longer stops the analysis 
  of the current context if x is const.

* __ASTREE_attributes now accepts a new attribute hide_directives 
  which omits Astrée directives in scope from the lists of 
  semantic hypotheses and further directives. The new attribute 
  is intended for use in stub libraries.

* __ASTREE_alarm and __ASTREE_print now support 
  printing of pointers and strings. For example, the code

    const char* mystr = "hello";
    const char* myptr = mystr + 3;
    __ASTREE_print(("%s0, %1", mystr, myptr));

  results in the following output in both the analyzer log 
  and the text report file:

    {hello}, {__ASTREEstring.hello.0} + {3} at <program-location>

* __ASTREE_partition_ranges now accepts a slice of integer values:

    __ASTREE_partition_ranges((var; {0 : 5}));

  which is equivalent to:

    __ASTREE_partition_ranges((var; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

* __ASTREE_boolean_pack can now be used with bit-fields. For example:

    struct T {int a; unsigned b:1;} v;
    __ASTREE_boolean_pack((v.a; v.b));

* __ASTREE_attribute now accepts the new argument "forbid_separate" 
  that prevents affected functions from being analyzed separately. 
  It has the same effect as listing them as "forbid=<function>" 
  in the separate-function option. 
  The separate-function option takes precedence over 
  forbid_separate attributes.

* Improved performance of __ASTREE_modify
  if the first argument is a large unsmashed array.

General improvements
* Improved handling of file names in the file metrics table 
  of the text report file and analyzer log.

* Memory usage statistics are now also displayed
  after each separate iteration over main.

* Improved reported source location for alarms about arguments
  of Astrée intrinsic functions such as __astree_memcpy().

* When displaying the computed separate functions for a given process,
  Astrée now also displays the current asynchronous phase, 
  if phases are active.

* If a definite run-time error is raised on a statement for which 
  Astrée reports several alarms of class A, then all of these 
  alarms are now marked as potentially related in the Findings view. 
  An additional "group ID" identifies all alarms that possibly trigger 
  the same definite run-time error. For example:

    Definite Alarm (A) Group 1 ... ALARM (A) invalid_pointer_dereference:...
    Definite Alarm (A) Group 1 ... ALARM (A) overflow_upon_dereference:...

* The option separate-with-caller-stack-pointers has been removed. 
  The analyzer now behaves as if the option was enabled.

* Updated the Astrée option profiles 
 "Setup (fast)" and "Setup (normal)".

* Improved the efficiency of the directives __ASTREE_global_assert 
  and __ASTREE_volatile_input when applied to large arrays.

* When a process attempts to stop another process using 
  the analyzer-intrinsic function __astree_stop_process(process_id), 
  Astrée now emits an alarm message and ignores the intrinsic.

* Optimized the generation of absolute address directives 
  when enabling the option generate-absolute-addresses. 
  It now generates distinct directives for separate contiguous 
  memory blocks up to a size limit. The new heuristic reduces 
  the impact of the generated directives on the performance 
  of the analysis.

* Dynamic folding no longer folds parts of variables 
  with different value ranges.
  Note that the directive __ASTREE_global_assert 
  modifies the range of a variable. 
  In other words, if a[i] is affected by an __ASTREE_global_assert, 
  but a[j] is not, then a is no longer dynamically folded.

Improvements for C
* The new option warn-on-float-to-unsigned-conversion-trap 
  enables alarms on conversions from float to unsigned integer, 
  if values are in the interval (-1, 0). The option is disabled 
  by default. If enabled, the new alarm float_to_unsigned_conversion_trap
  warns about such conversions that may trigger trap events 
  on some architectures.

* In the wrapper and stubs file it is now possible in all 
  Astrée directives to refer to static variables of other 
  translation units (using var@"file.c"), as long as a preceding 
  __ASTREE_import(()); directive is present.

* In the wrapper and stubs file directives can now refer to 
  variables in arbitrary functions, as long as a preceding 
  __ASTREE_import(()); directive is present. The syntax var@fun 
  addresses a variable named var in a function named fun. 
  The new syntax can also be combined with the syntax for 
  addressing static functions, as in var@fun@"file".

Improvements for C++
* Documented limitations and specific behaviors of the analyzer 
  regarding the reporting of undefined behavior in constexpr expressions, 
  and in static and complex initializers.

* Removed false alarms about possibly invalid iterators 
  after erasing from sequence containers at the beginning.

* Fixed exceptional aborts of the analyzer related to a combination 
  of the options exclude-signed-in-unsigned-overflows=yes
  and symb=yes.

* Fixed an issue that in rare cases when boolean-domain was activated
  in combination with exclude-signed-in-unsigned-overflows
  caused the analysis to stop for a given context 
  with an "ERROR analysis_stopped_unexpectedly".

Rule sets and checks for C
* New diagnostics:
  - check config-function-unknown (rule A.5.4) 
    warns about function names that are used in the Astrée option
    separate-function but do not name a function in the analyzed code.

  - rule A.7.1 warns if an identifier appears with both 
    internal and external linkage within a translation unit, 
    which constitutes undefined behavior

  - rule A.5.5 (check autosar-inclusion-order) warns about illegal 
    header inclusion order in Astrée analysis projects that use 
    Astrée’s AUTOSAR OS stubs. It warns about #include directives 
    that attempt to include the real Os.h or osek.h header files 
    before the corresponding header file stubs for Astrée.

* Added support for rule M2012.D.4.8.

* The new check constant-out-of-range (rule M2012.1.1, M.1.1) 
  warns about constants that do not fit into the range of their type.

* Added new checks for RuleChecker in combination with Astrée: 
  - invalid-pointer-arithmetics
  - dangling-pointer-use
  - left-shift-negative-first-argument
  - undefined-shift-width
  - offset-overflow
  - function-pointer-wrong-argument-count
  - misaligned-dereference
  - function-pointer-incompatible-return-type
  - invalid-function-pointer
  - int-undefined-modulo

  The new checks are associated with rule M2012.1.3 and M.1.2, 
  and correspond to the following Astrée alarms:
  - invalid-pointer-arithmetics 
  - dangling-pointer-use
  - shift-first-argument
  - shift-argument 
  - offset-overflow
  - wrong-argument-count 
  - misaligned-dereference
  - (reinterpret-)incompatible-return-type
  - invalid-function-pointer
  - int-undefined-modulo

Clang Static Analyzer
This new analysis phase runs checks provided by the Clang Static Analyzer.
It is deactivated by default and can be enabled by setting the new option
skip-clang-static-analyzer-phase to "no".

The following new checks are available:
- csa-dead-assignment
- csa-call-uninitialized-function-pointer
- csa-call-uninitialized-object-pointer
- csa-call-null-function-pointer
- csa-call-null-object-pointer
- csa-division-by-zero
- csa-null-reference-param
- csa-null-dereference
- csa-double-free
- csa-use-after-free
- csa-uninitialized-binop-operand
- csa-uninitialized-array-subscript
- csa-uninitialized-assign
- csa-uninitialized-branch-condition
- csa-uninitialized-return
- csa-uninitialized-object
- csa-memory-leak
- csa-mismatched-deallocator
- csa-placement-new
- csa-stack-address-escape

These new checks are associated with the following rules for C++:
- AUTOSAR.0.1.1A
- AUTOSAR.3.8.1A
- AUTOSAR.5.3.2A
- AUTOSAR.5.6.1A
- AUTOSAR.7.5.1M
- AUTOSAR.8.5.0A
- AUTOSAR.18.5.6A 
- AUTOSAR.18.5.10A
- M2008.0.1.6
- M2008.7.5.1 
- M2008.8.5.1

* Added support for the following AUTOSAR rules:
  - AUTOSAR.0.1.1A
  - AUTOSAR.0.4.4A
  - AUTOSAR.3.1.6A
  - AUTOSAR.5.3.2A
  - AUTOSAR.5.6.1A
  - AUTOSAR.9.6.1A
  - AUTOSAR.9.6.2A
  - AUTOSAR.13.5.4A
  - AUTOSAR.17.6.1A
  - AUTOSAR.18.5.4A
  - AUTOSAR.18.5.6A
  - AUTOSAR.0.1.5A

* The rule AUTOSAR.6.2.1M can now be configured to ignore 
  the operands of the comma operator if their values are not used.

Added support for the following SEI CERT C++ rules:

MISRA C++ 2008
* Added support for rule M2008.0.1.6.

* The rule M2008.6.2.1 can now be configured to ignore 
  the operands of the comma operator if their values are not used.

C++ diagnostics
Added a new C++-specific category of diagnostics rules (A.CPP),
available for both RuleChecker and Astrée.
- A.CPP.7.1 warns about non-void functions with a path to the end
  of the function without a final return statement.
- A.CPP.7.2 warns about violations of the One Definition Rule.

Enhancements, clarifications, refinements and fixes
Improved reported source location for rule violations 
that refer to implicit conversions applied to the right-hand side 
of assignments or to the expression of a return statement.

— For rule checks on C code
* Removed false positives for the check unused-suppress-directive,
  which no longer reports comment/suppress directives that apply 
  to a violation of check unused-suppress-directive.

* Corrected the assumed sizes of types that are affected 
  by the option allow-signed-constant-with-unsigned=yes.
  The fix affects rules based on MISRA's essential type system
  in case that the option is set. The option is disabled by default.

* Fixed commenting of RuleChecker alarms at non-defining declarations.

* Fixed an issue that prevented constant expression evaluation 
  when using a bitwise shift operator (<<, >>) with 
  a right-hand side greater or equal to half the bitsize of 
  the left-hand side, and setting the ABI option bits_per_byte to 16.

* The check stdlib-limits without Astrée analysis 
  now covers the long double variants of mathematical functions. 
  This affects rule M2012.D.4.11, M.20.3, and CERT.FLP.32.

* Improved the handling of __ASTREE_import directives.
  Erroneous uses are reported as violations of diagnostic rule 
  A.5.1 instead of causing fatal tool errors or crashes.

* Improved the LSCOPE metric to never underestimate the number 
  of distinct constant values. This eliminates false negatives 
  for the check max-language-scope (T.13.1).

* Removed false negatives for the check extern-object-declaration
 (rule M2012.8.4) which failed to report tentative definitions 
  that are not followed by another definition. Example:

    // ... no declaration of x
    int x; // tentative definition of x -> non-compliant, now reported
    // ... no definition of x

* Corrected the classification of rule M2008.5.19.1 and 
  AUTOSAR.5.19.1M. Not all cases of unsigned wrap-around 
  during constant evaluation are reported by Astrée.

* Rule M2012.1.3 and M.1.2 now additionally link the checks 

* Improved source locations reported with the check undefined-extern. 
  Array declarators are no longer part of the reported source extent.

* Improved the check max-externals to report the translation unit 
  exceeding the limit and stating the actual number of external 

* Improved reported location information for C expressions
  using a unary plus operator.

* Removed false positives for:
  - unused-tag and identifier-unique-tag,
    which in rare cases misclassified 
    the use of a struct tag as a definition

  - bitfield-typing, which in release 21.04i 
   (build 9394592 and 9410978) reported bitfields 
    using a typedef of explicitly signed short, 
    long, and long long

  - external-file-spreading (AUTOSAR.3.2.3M,
    CERT-CPP.DCL.60, M.8.8, M2008.3.2.3, M2012.8.5)
    when operating on case-insensitive file systems 
    in analysis projects that use files with names 
    that only differ in capitalization.

* Removed false negatives for:
  - type-compatibility-link 
   (A.1.1, CERT.DCL.40, CERT.MSC.40, ISO17961.funcdecl,
    M.1.1, M.8.4, M2012.1.1, M2012.D.2.1), which did not 
    warn about tentative definitions of objects without 
    preceding declaration in the same translation unit

  - controlling-invariant 
    at the first operand of ? :

— For rule checks on C++ code
* The check include_position (M2008.16.0.1, AUTOSAR.16.0.1M)
  has been split into two checks to allow for 
  a more fine-grained configuration:
  - include_position_language_linkage
    warns about #include directives preceded by 
    language linkage specifications (i.e. extern "C").

  - include_position no longer warns about #include directives 
    preceded by language linkage specifications

* Removed false positives for:
  - main-function-catch-all (AUTOSAR.15.3.3A, CERT-CPP.ERR.51, 
    M2008.15.3.2, M2008.15.5.3), which warned about non-defining 
    declarations of the main function.

  - underlying-cvalue-conversion (AUTOSAR.5.0.3M, M2008.5.0.3) 
    warning about compliant pointer arithmetic in C++.

  - output-parameter and multiple_output_values
   (AUTOSAR.8.4.8A, AUTOSAR.8.4.4A). 
    Parameters of lvalue-reference or pointer type 
    are only considered output parameters if they are 
    modified but never read in the function body. 
    Rule AUTOSAR.8.4.8A and AUTOSAR.8.4.4A
    are classified as partially checked.

  - definition-duplicate for user-defined 
    new and delete operators. They replace the default 
    definitions from the standard library without conflict.

* Fixed false positives and false negatives in the check 
  definition-duplicate when dealing with variable templates 
 (affects M2008.3.2.2, M2008.3.2.4, AUTOSAR.3.2.2M, 

* The coverage classification of AUTOSAR.3.2.4M and 
  M2008.3.2.4 is set to partially checked.

* More compact C++ names, in particular with respect to
  template arguments that match the default arguments.

* Improved detection of constant C++ expressions.
  This removes false positives for AUTOSAR.12.1.3A 
  and AUTOSAR.3.3.2A.

New DAX version 1.13
* Rule, option, and ABI tags no longer accept comma-separated lists 
  of parameters. The <item/> list syntax is now mandatory. 
  For example, the old specification


  must now be written as:

      <item key="aa">bb</item>
      <item key="cc">dd</item>

* In addition to requiring the <item/> list syntax, 
  the tags for rules now use "enabled" attributes to express 
 (de-)activation of rules. For example, the old specification

    <RULENAME value="AA, BB">yes</RULENAME>

  must now be written as:

    <RULENAME enabled="yes">

* The tags for checks are now (de-)activated using the attribute 
 "enabled". For example, the old specification


  must now be written as

    <CHECKNAME enabled="yes"/>

* The "file" attribute in the tags <options> and <abi> 
  is no longer supported.

* The new DAX tag <result-filter/> allows 
  the automatic configuration of the "Overview -> Filter" 
  settings of the client. The filter settings are stored 
  persistently with the analysis project.

* Corrected the resolution of relative paths when importing
  contents from other DAX files. A relative path is now always
  resolved relative to the (possibly implicit) global base directory
  of the DAX file in which the path is specified.

General improvements
* The directives __ASTREE_comment, __RULECHECKER_comment, 
  __ASTREE_suppress, __RULECHECKER_suppress,
  as well as their source-directive counterparts
  ASTREE_comment, RULECHECKER_comment, 
  ASTREE_suppress, RULECHECKER_suppress
  now support a set of finding keys instead of only a single finding key.
  Here is an example of the old syntax using a single finding key:

    __ASTREE_suppress(1, 1, check_assignment);

  And here is an example of the new syntax using a set of finding keys:

    __ASTREE_suppress(1, 1, {check_assignment, check_bitfield});

* Fixed matching of file names in source directives 
 (ASTREE_comment and ASTREE_suppress).
  The previous implementation inadvertently matched multiple files 
  if they shared the same suffix (e.g. file.cpp also matched 
  other_file.cpp), causing an error.

* Fixed the reporting of occurrences of the directive __ASTREE_import.

* Updated toolchain to Clang and LLVM 12.

* Improved the printing of top-level type qualifiers in alarm messages.

Windows support
From this release on, Astrée and RuleChecker require at least Windows 10.

Integration with dSPACE TargetLink
* Support for TargetLink 5.0 and 5.1.

* __ASTREE_wrapper_call directives are no longer generated 
  by the TargetLink integration.

* The generated wrapper files are now more compliant 
  with MISRA coding rules.

Integration with KEIL μVision
Removed erroneous quotation marks in defines passed to 
the preprocessor configuration.

Integration with Eclipse
* Configuration of parser options, such as external declarations
  and patterns to ignore.

* Improved configuration dialog for enabled rules.

* Improved handling of relative config files.

* Fixed an issue with 21.04i intermediate releases 
  that caused duplication of parser filters and external 
  declarations imported from an external DAX file.
* Improved support for linked files and folders.

Client GUI, batch mode, and report files
* The call graph view in both Astrée and RuleChecker
  can now show complete and partial call graphs for any function 
  in the analyzed program. It is also possible to display
  thread-specific control flow graphs. The graphs can be interactively
  explored and are linked to the code and result views.

* The preprocessed and original files lists in the project browser
  can now also be displayed hierarchically in a directory tree.
  Switching between the list and the tree view is done via 
  the context menu.

* In the list of preprocessed files in the project browser,
  the configuration file (usually called astree.cfg)
  can now be opened in an editor via the context menu. 

Server and server controller
* Improved stability of network connections under load.

* Improved performance of the network connection 
  between client and server.

* Fixed an issue with the server option "Block connections 
  from remote hosts" that prevented connections from localhost.

C frontend
* Initializers provided with aggregate types of size 0 
 (language extension) are now handled consistently. 
  For example, for

    int arr[0] = {23};

  the initializer is ignored, as it violates the diagnostics 
  A.1.2 and A.1.8.

* Support for arbitrary constant integer expressions:
  - as array indices in access-path specifications of Astrée directives,
  - as bounds of interval specifiers in __ASTREE_global_assert.

* Fixed parse errors after #pragma directives containing type specifiers.

* Fixed parse errors in #pragma directives containing invalid tokens.

* Improved the reporting of pointer arithmetic with variably modified 
  types, which is not supported by Astrée. The frontend reports 
  such expressions as violations of diagnostic rule A.5.3, 
  and the analysis stops with an error when reaching such expressions.

* In accordance with the C standard, string literals that contain 
  a newline are no longer accepted.

* Improved reporting of invalid member specifications in 
  __ASTREE_octagon_pack and __ASTREE_boolean_pack.

* The C frontend now rounds tie values to even when determining
  the significand of a hexadecimal floating-point constant.
  This corrects the parsing of hex constants such as 0x1.00000000000008p0,
  which lies exactly between the two double numbers 0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFp0
  and 0x2.p0.

C++ frontend
* Support for the extended syntax for the directive 
  to assert the variables and functions that a pointer may point to.

* Directives that accept arguments with directive access paths 
  now also accept access paths that address fields of unions.

* Removed unjustified error messages about asm constraints.

* Reworked the implementation of the new and delete operators 
  in the C++ stub library.
* Support for user-provided ABI settings that specify the alignment 
  of basic types (e.g. alignof_short).

Original C source frontend
The source directive /* ASTREE_comment */ now also accepts 
keys of alarm category groups, such as rules_category.

Stub libraries, ABIs, OS and compiler configurations
* Directives from the Astrée clibrary and libcxx stub libraries 
  are no longer listed as semantic hypotheses and further directives. 
  This improves the visibility of directives that have been added 
  to user code.

* OS stub library files no longer count towards 
  the analysis coverage statistics.

* To ease up the setup of AUTOSAR projects, a stub file for Os.h 
  has been added to the installation. The stub file is added automatically 
  to the project and includes the Os.h from the project code.

* Corrected the implementation of Schedule() in the OSEK stub library 
  shipped with Astrée. It now determines the ID of the process 
  in which it is invoked instead of always assuming an invalid ID.

* The C stub library is now compatible with ABIs that set 
  bits_of_byte=16 and bits_of_char=16.

* Fixed extraction of OS hooks from ARXML.

* Fixed the implementation of tmpnam and snprintf
  in the C stub library.

* Fixed the implementation of aligned delete in the C++ stub library.

* Improved C++ stub library implementation of STL containers.

* Corrected the implementation of frexp and frexpf in the C stub library.

* Fixed type mismatches in stub code generated for AUTOSAR OS projects.

* Extended the configuration parameters for AUTOSAR OS configurations:

  - It is now possible to specify whether ISRs may be nested.
    Non-nested ISRs are treated as non-preemtible. 
    The corresponding DAX tag is nested-isrs=yes|no

  - It is now possible to specify priorities for ISRs.
    The corresponding DAX specification is:

        <priority isr="fun_name" value="1001"/>

  - Reworked and extended the AUTOSAR OS configuration interface 
    in the Preprocessor view of the GUI.

  - The new advanced AUTOSAR option "Declare OS objects using 
    enum/define" specifies whether OS objects in the AUTOSAR stubs 
    should be declared using enumerations or preprocessor defines. 
    The corresponding DAX tag is <declaration-mode/>.

* Extended support for different specification formats
  of non-trusted functions in ARXML files.

New test cases in the Astrée QSK
- qk_alarm_ float_to_unsigned_conversion_trap
- qk_check_annotation_insertion_failed
- qk_check_autosar_inclusion_order
- qk_check_config_function_unknown
- qk_check_constant_out_of_range
- qk_check_dangling_pointer_use
- qk_check_evaluation_order
- qk_check_evaluation_order_initializer
- qk_check_function_pointer_incompatible_return_type
- qk_check_function_pointer_wrong_argument_count
- qk_check_int_undefined_modulo
- qk_check_invalid_function_pointer
- qk_check_invalid_pointer_arithmetics
- qk_check_left_shift_negative_first_argument
- qk_check_misaligned_dereference
- qk_check_multiple_volatile_accesses
- qk_check_offset_overflow
- qk_check_sizeof
- qk_check_undefined_shift_width
- qk_directive_partition_calls
- qk_directive_static_variables_in_directives
- qk_option_filter_asm_function
- qk_option_filter_asm_preprocessor_directive
- qk_option_filter_pragma_asm
- qk_option_filter_pragma_inline_asm
- qk_option_warn_on_float_to_unsigned_conversion_trap
- qk_rule_a_5_4
- qk_rule_a_5_5
- qk_rule_m_1_2
- qk_rule_m2012_1_3

The test cases qk_directive_comment_source_external,
qk_filter_pragma_asm, and qk_option_separate_with_caller_stack_pointers
have been removed from the Astrée QSK.

New test cases in the RuleChecker QSK
- qk_check_constant_out_of_range
- qk_check_include_position_language_linkage
- qk_check_internal_and_external_linkage
- qk_check_struct_pointer_not_opaque
- qk_option_filter_asm_function
- qk_option_filter_asm_preprocessor_directive
- qk_option_filter_pragma_asm
- qk_option_filter_pragma_inline_asm
- qk_option_skip_clang_static_analyzer_phase
- qk_rule_a_7_1
- qk_rule_m2012_d_4_8
- qk_check_csa_call_null_function_pointer
- qk_check_csa_call_null_object_pointer
- qk_check_csa_call_uninitialized_function_pointer
- qk_check_csa_call_uninitialized_object_pointer
- qk_check_csa_dead_assignment
- qk_check_csa_division_by_zero
- qk_check_csa_double_free
- qk_check_csa_null_dereference
- qk_check_csa_null_reference_param
- qk_check_csa_memory_leak
- qk_check_csa_mismatched_deallocator
- qk_check_csa_placement_new
- qk_check_csa_stack_address_escape
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_array_subscript
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_assign
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_binop_operand
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_branch_condition
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_object
- qk_check_csa_uninitialized_return
- qk_check_csa_use_after_free

The test case qk_directive_comment_source_external
has been removed from the RuleChecker QSK.

RuleChecker QSK test cases extended to C++
- qk_check_bitop_type
- qk_check_external_file_spreading
- qk_check_function_ellipsis
- qk_check_function_local_declarator
- qk_check_hash_macro
- qk_check_include_characters_backslash
- qk_check_logop_side_effect
- qk_check_non_directive
- qk_check_macro_undefined
- qk_check_numeric_char_usage
- qk_check_plain_char_operator
- qk_check_plain_char_usage
- qk_check_sizeof
- qk_check_switch_skipped_code
- qk_check_union_object

Last updated on 29 October 2021 by Copyright 2021 AbsInt.
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