TimeWeaver analysis

- Improved trace parser speed by using multiple threads.
- Now supporting iSYSTEM winIDEA binary trace export format.
- Improved handling of Lauterbach FLOW export traces.
- Introduced mode-based analysis on trace-level. The new annotation
attribute "running_mode": <Expression>
specifies which mode should be considered for the current analysis.
attribute "running_mode": (mem("ACTIVE_TASK_CLOCK") % 4) == 3;
Here, the trace parser only considers trace snippets in which the value of
satisfies the condition % 4 == 3
In this fashion, mode-based TimeWeaver analyses can be performed without
the use of the value analysis.
For this annotation to become effective,
the input trace data must contain information about memory write accesses
to the variables specified in the mem
- Introduced automatic trace format recognition,
which allows for providing multiple trace files in different trace formats.
- Generalized trace parser for iSYSTEM winIDEA CSV traces.
- Infineon DAS trace parser now uses MCDS trace DLLs v1.0 which requires DAS v7.1.8 (or newer).
- Improved handling of interrupts.
- Improved trace end detection.
- If the intersection between the analyzed and the traced loop bound is empty,
the analyzed loop bound is now used.
Trace validation
Improved the speed of trace validation.
- Added per-context trace coverage statistics. These are only available
if “Perform value analysis” is enabled under Setup →
Timing analysis → TimeWeaver (default is enabled).
- The per-context trace coverage statistics can also be exported to the XML report
if “Show per context info in XML report” is enabled.
- Additional context-sensitive trace coverage information
is now output in the text report. Block addresses that are only traced
in some but not all contexts are now printed.
Dozens of improvements to a³
Support for desktop themes (dark mode), extended annotations, improved license management, additional qualification support kits,
and more.
See the complete release notes for a³ 20.04.
Archived release notes for older versions