
За редким исключением, пресс-релизы публикуются только на английском и немецком.

April 9, 2024
Cooperation between Vector Informatik and AbsInt paves the way for autonomous driving

November 15, 2022
Together we are faster: Accelerated runtime analyses facilitate software development

May 11, 2022
AbsInt researchers win prestigious ACM Software System Award

November 16, 2021
QA-MISRA — the customised answer to market requirements

September 15, 2021
Project EMPHYSIS wins ITEA Award of Excellence — AbsInt’s Contribution

July 1, 2020
Astrée satisties NIST’s Ockham criteria (PDF)

October 21, 2019
AbsInt co-founders receive Test-of-Time Award

21-е мая 2019 г.
Бош применяет статические анализаторы АбсИнта

February 5, 2019
AbsInt and Infineon offer a new timing tool chain for AURIX

June 21, 2018
Solid Sands and AbsInt combine tool strengths

February 28, 2018
TimeWeaver: a new product by AbsInt

March 8, 2017
RuleChecker: a new product by AbsInt

March 21, 2016
The ARGO project: tool chain for real-time programming

September 12, 2015
TimingProfiler and CompCert: two new products by AbsInt

February 12, 2014
Production code generation: cooperation between dSPACE and AbsInt

September 1, 2011
AbsInt complements tool qualification

September 22, 2008
Esterel SCADE Suite Timing Verifier and Stack Verifier now available, powered by AbsInt’s aiT and StackAnalyzer

January 31, 2008
Esterel Technologies and AbsInt form technology partnership to integrate aiT and StackAnalyzer into Esterel SCADE

March 19, 2007
aiT WCET Analyzers succeed in the first WCET Tool Challenge

April 27, 2005
AbsInt contributes to guaranteeing the safety of the A380, the world's largest passenger aircraft

January 20, 2005
JORAL Technologies will supply AbsInt’s advanced development tools for safety-critical software to its customers in the North America marketplace

July 15, 2003
AbsInt awarded a 2004 European IST Prize for aiT

For further information, contact press@absint.com.