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Call graph with stack analysis results and worst-case path

Free 30-day trial

To download a free copy of StackAnalyzer, fill out and sign the Evaluation License Agreement form (PDF) and email or fax it to us.

The trial version is technically identical to the full com­mercial version in every respect, but your license file will expire after 30 days.

If you need StackAnalyzer for a currently-unsupported processor, compiler or operating system, or have other questions about the free trial, email our customer support.

Free training

There’s no need to figure out StackAnalyzer by yourself or read the user manual cover to cover. Your trial begins with a free interactive online training via WebEx, on a date and time of your own choosing.

After only about two hours, you’re all set to go. And it’s only then that your license file gets activated, so you still have a full 30 days left.

Free support to get you started

Feel free to contact with any questions during your evaluation. You can even request additional WebEx sessions if you need help with setting up an analysis, writing a complex annotation, or investigating a tricky part of your code.

All commercial licenses also include 180 days of free support and updates. Major new releases are published twice a year, which means you’ll receive at least one update for free.

Price quote

Email us for a quote tailored to your personal requirements, or get in touch with your local distributor.