Curriculum vitæ
Reinhold Heckmann,
born in 1959, completed the diploma degree program in computer
science and mathematics at the University of Saarland from 1979 to 1984,
and his PhD in 1991 (summa cum laude). In recognition of his work,
he was awarded the Dr. Eduard Martin Prize in 1993 for the best PhD
dissertation in computer science at the University of Saarland. He
completed his post-doctoral dissertation in 1996 and has since
been serving as a Private Lecturer (Privatdozent) at the University of Saarland.
The subject of Reinhold Heckmann’s master’s thesis
was “Generation of LL Parsers from Context-free Grammars
Employing Regular Productions”. From 1984 to 1999 he was
a research associate at the Department for
Compiler Construction and Programming Languages at the University of Saarland,
in addition to participating in the ESPRIT project PROSPECTRA (Programming
by Specification and Transformation) and being a member of
Collaborative Research Center no. 124 (VLSI and Parallelism).
During this time, he designed and implemented TrafoLa, a
non-deterministic functional programming language, and worked
on program semantics. In his PhD dissertation, he developed an
algebraic theory of power domain constructions.
Dr. Heckmann served as visiting fellow at Imperial College,
London, in 1992; as visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin
in 1994; and as visiting professor at Trier University in 1996.
During this time, he worked on semantic domains with applications to measure theory
and integration theory, on exact real arithmetic, and on text processing.
In 1999, he was a research fellow at Imperial College, London, working
on the design and implementation of algorithms for exact real arithmetic.
Since September 2000, he is a Senior Researcher at AbsInt.
In this rôle, he actively participates in most every
research project of ours,
in addition to being in charge of the documentation
for all of our products.
Research interests
- Domain theory
- Equilogical spaces and convergence spaces
- Exact real arithmetic
- Document processing
- Functional programming languages
- Compiler construction
Selected publications
- Model-Driven Code Generation and Analysis.
D. Kästner, C. Rustemeier, U. Kiffmeier, D. Fleischer, S. Nenova,
R. Heckmann, M. Schlickling, C. Ferdinand.
SAE World Congress 2014.
- Meeting Real-Time Requirements with Multi-Core Processors.
D. Kästner, M. Schlickling, M. Pister, C. Cullmann, G. Gebhard,
R. Heckmann, C. Ferdinand.
Safecomp 2012 Workshop: Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Safety-Critical Systems (SASSUR), Magdeburg, September 2012.
- Timing Validation of Automotive Software.
D. Kästner, R. Wilhelm, R. Heckmann,
M. Schlickling, M. Pister,
M. Jersak, K. Richter, C. Ferdinand.
3rd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods,
Verification and Validation (ISOLA), Kassandra, Greece, 2008.
- Static Memory and Timing Analysis of Embedded Systems Code.
C. Ferdinand,
R. Heckmann, and D. Kästner.
Proceedings of The IET Conference on Embedded Systems at Embedded Systems Show
(ESS) 2006, Birmingham.
- Verifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation.
R. Heckmann, C. Ferdinand.
DATE 2005, pp. 618–619.
- Computing with Real Numbers: I. The LFT Approach to Real Number Computation;
II. A Domain Framework for Computational Geometry.
A. Edalat, R. Heckmann.
G. Barthe, P. Dybjer, L. Pinto, and J. Saraiva (eds.),
Applied Semantics — Lecture Notes from the International
Summer School, Caminha, Portugal, 2000. LNCS 2395, 193–267,
Springer, 2002.
- Contractivity of Linear Fractional Transformations.
R. Heckmann. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 279 (1), pp. 65–82.
- A Non-Topological View of Dcpo’s as Convergence Spaces.
R. Heckmann. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 305, pp. 159–186.
- Completeness Classes of Equilogical Spaces.
R. Heckmann. MFPS’99, New Orleans. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 20.
- Approximation of Metric Spaces by Partial Metric Spaces.
R. Heckmann.
Applied Categorical Structures, Vol. 7, pp. 71–83.
- A Computational Model for Metric Spaces.
A. Edalat, R. Heckmann.
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 193, pp. 53–73.
- The Appearance of Big Integers in Exact Real Arithmetic based on Linear Fractional Transformations.
Reinhold Heckmann.
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, LNCS 1378, pp. 172–188, Springer, 1998.
- Topologies on Spaces of Continuous Functions.
Reinhold Heckmann, Martín Escardó.
Topology Proceedings, Vol. 26 (2), pp. 545–564.
- A Duality Theory for Quantitative Semantics.
R. Heckmann, M. Huth.
Computer Science Logic CSL’97 (Selected Papers), LNCS 1414, pp. 255–274, Springer, 1998.
- Characterising FS Domains by means of Power Domains.
R. Heckmann. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 264 (2), pp. 195–203.
- Grundlagen der Dokumentenverarbeitung (book).
R. Wilhelm, R. Heckmann. Addison Wesley Longman, 1996.
- A Functional Description of TeX’s Formula Layout.
R. Heckmann, R. Wilhelm.
Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 7 (5), pp. 451–485.
- Spaces of Valuations.
R. Heckmann. Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications 1995,
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 806, pp. 174–200.
- Lower Bag Domains.
Reinhold Heckmann. Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 24 (3), pp. 259–281.
- Probabilistic Domains.
Reinhold Heckmann. CAAP’94, LNCS 787, pp. 142–156, Springer, 1994.
- Probabilistic Power Domains, Information Systems, and Locales.
Reinhold Heckmann. MFPS’93, LNCS 802, pp. 410–437, Springer, 1994.
- Power Domains Supporting Recursion and Failure.
Reinhold Heckmann. CAAP’92, LNCS 581, pp. 165–181, Springer, 1992.
- Product Operations in Strong Monads.
Reinhold Heckmann.
First Imperial College Workshop on Theory and Formal Methods 1993,
Springer Workshops in Computing, pp. 159–170.
- Observable Modules and Power Domain Constructions.
Reinhold Heckmann.
M. Droste and Y. Gurevich, eds., Semantics of Programming
Languages and Model Theory, Algebra, Logic, and Applications
Vol. 5, pp. 159–187. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,
OPA (Amsterdam), 1993.
- An Upper Power Domain Construction in terms of Strongly Compact Sets.
Reinhold Heckmann. MFPS’91, LNCS 598, pp. 272–293, Springer, 1992.
- Power Domain Constructions.
Reinhold Heckmann. PhD thesis, Saarland University, 1990.
- Set Domains.
Reinhold Heckmann. ESOP’90, LNCS 432, pp. 177–196, Springer, 1990.
- A Functional Language for the Specification of Complex Tree Transformations.
Reinhold Heckmann. ESOP’88, LNCS 300, pp. 175–190, Springer 1988.
- ELL(k)-Parsing and Efficient ELL(1)-Parser Generation.
Reinhold Heckmann. Diploma thesis, Saarland University, 1984.