Our partners


A leading provider of critical systems and software development solutions for the aerospace, defense, rail trans­por­tation, nuclear, and industrial domains. Ansys’ SCADE Suite is the market-leading mission and safety-critical embedded software development environment. It incorporates several of AbsInt’s tools under the name “Timing and Stack Optimizer”.


A leading producer of engineering tools for developing and testing mecha­tronic control systems. dSPACE’s production code generator TargetLink integrates with AbsInt’s tools for timing, stack, and run­time-error analysis.


A leading provider of development tools for user-controlled, automated software parallelization in the area of embedded multicore systems. Customers from industries such as automotive, aviation and automation can use new process architectures efficiently and error-free with the emmtrix software tools and services.

Green Hills Software

The largest independent vendor of embedded development solutions and the only company with an operating system certified and deployed to EAL6+ High Robustness (security), DO-178B Level A (avi­onics), IEC 61508 SIL3 (industrial) and FDA Class III (medical). Green Hills’ open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply em­bedded, absolute-security and high-reliability applications for the mi­li­tary/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions.


The world’s largest commercial open-source compiler vendor. The HighTec compiler is portable and always available for the latest re­visions of supported architectures ahead of general release. The PXROS certified micro-kernel RTOS provides the highest level of data protection, functional safety, and robustness. HighTec also offers complete devel­op­ment and consulting services in the areas of performance optimization, functional safety, and porting from single-core to multicore systems and to the AutoSAR environment.


iSYSTEM provides hardware and software that delivers insights into exceptionally complex applications, notably AUTOSAR- or RTOS-based safety critical multi-core microcontroller automotive systems. Hardware traces in the winIDEA format developed by iSYSTEM enable real application interactions to be imported into advanced timing analysis tools, including AbsInt’s TimeWeaver.


Moving toward releasing the first MISRA-compliant embedded database system, McObject, a database vendor for embedded systems, incorporated RuleChecker into its software production for eXtremeDB and realized immediate benefits with respect to the stability and traceability of the code resulting from the identification and remediation of MISRA rule violations.

New Eagle

A trusted engineering partner and supplier for electronic systems and control software across diverse sectors including automotive, transportation, defense, industrial, aviation, military, aerospace, and off-highway. Specializing in mechatronic controls, New Eagle assists developers in managing project development, supply chain, costs and outcomes, stream­lining operations using custom software and off-the-shelf hardware-control solutions. New Eagle’s versatile engineering teams excel in creating electronic systems for the evolving electronic vehicle propulsion and autonomy markets, guiding projects from concept to production.

QA Systems

For over 25 years, QA Systems has been helping companies develop high-quality, standard-compliant software for embedded systems in the safety- and business-critical areas. QA Systems’ tools automate unit tests, code coverage, integration tests and source code analysis in compliance with all common safety related software standards (MISRA, AUTOSAR, CERT, CWE, ISO 26262, etc.). With international locations QA Systems operates worldwide directly as well as through a global reseller network. Over 350 of the largest companies are on QA Systems’ customer list. In addition to the tools, the QA Systems Academy shares know-how and expertise with engineers from around the world.

Solid Sands

The world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries. Solid Sands’ products support customers in achieving both the highest quality objectives and the most up-to-date functional safety standard requirements.

By creating the best possible test suites for C and C++ compilers, libraries, and analysis tools, Solid Sands are at the forefront of software testing and qualification. Their flagship products include SuperTest, the most comprehensive compiler test and validation suite, and SuperGuard, a library safety qualification suite. With industry partners worldwide, Solid Sands serve leading and innovative semiconductor, IP and security companies, as well as safety-critical software companies in the automotive, robotics, railway and medical industries.


A leading provider of C development tools headquartered in Munich, Germany, offering high-performance, high-quality, safety- & security-oriented embedded software development tools for multi-core architectures. TASKING’s development tools are used by automotive manufacturers and suppliers, as well as in adjacent markets around the world, to realize high-performance applications in safety-critical areas. The TASKING Embedded Software Development solutions provide an industry-leading ecosystem for your entire software development process. Each TASKING compiler is designed for a certain architecture and meets the specific requirements of your industry, including automotive, industrial, telecommunications, and datacom.

Wind River

Wind River is a global leader in delivering software for the intelligent edge. The company’s technology has been powering the safest, most secure devices in the world since 1981 and is found in billions of products. Wind River offers a comprehensive portfolio, supported by world-class global professional services and support and a broad partner ecosystem. Wind River software and expertise are accelerating digital transformation of mission-critical intelligent systems that will increasingly demand greater compute capabilities while delivering the highest levels of security, safety, and reliability.

Research-project partners

Over the course of the last 27 years, we have lent our expertise to dozens of German, European, and international research projects, working together with hundreds of commercial and academic partners from 20+ different countries.