As of 2025, we have 40+ employees
located at our headquarters in Saarbruecken, Germany.
At the moment, the following profiles are available
to the public:
Recent public appearances
The following is a non-exhaustive list of recent venues
where you may have met our staff in person, or attended their talks:
Embedded Testing, Munich
Jörg Herter,
Daniel Kästner
Safetronic, Stuttgart
Daniel Kästner,
Thomas Wehmeier,
Adrian Dapprich
CySecMed, Munich
Jörg Herter,
Adrian Dapprich
Embedded World North America, Austin
Daniel Kästner
New Eagle Innovation Summit, Metro Detroit
Christian Hümbert
SafeComp, Florence
Daniel Kästner
TRISTAN project meeting, Graz
Simon Wegener
Summer School on Abstract Interpretation, Lipari
Laurent Mauborgne
VDA Automotive Conference, Berlin
Daniel Kästner,
Jörg Herter
ERTS, Toulouse
Christian Ferdinand,
Daniel Kästner
Aerospace Tech Week, Munich
Daniel Kästner
MedConf, Munich
Jörg Herter,
Alexander Wagner
Safety Critical Systems Symposium, Bristol
Daniel Kästner,
Jörg Herter
Airtec, Augsburg
Jörg Herter
Joral Workshop for Engineers, Phoenix
Christian Hümbert