Лоран Моборн окончил высшую школу ENS в Париже в 1996-ом году,
а в 1999-ом защитил докторскую диссертацию в Политехнической
школе в Палезо.
С 2000-го по 2010-й год он работал то в ENS, то в Палезо, а также
в программных комитетах различных международных конференций, в том числе
В 2007-ом году он успешно прошёл процедуру хабилитации в Университете Париж-Дофин.
С 2001-го года и по сей день он занимается разработкой статического анализатора
Избранные работы
- Automatic Sound Static Analysis for Integration Verification of AUTOSAR Software.
D. Kästner, C. Mallon, L. Mauborgne, S. Schank, S. Wilhelm, C. Ferdinand.
SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0591, SAE World Congress 2023, Detroit, April 2023.
- Static Data and Control Coupling Analysis.
D. Kästner, L. Mauborgne, S. Wilhelm, C. Mallon, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2022: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 11th European Congress, Toulouse, June 2022.
- High-Precision Sound Analysis to Find Safety and Cybersecurity Defects (Best Paper Award).
D. Kästner, L. Mauborgne, S. Wilhelm, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2020: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 10th European Congress, Toulouse, January 2020.
- Detecting Spectre Vulnerabilities by Sound Static Analysis.
D. Kästner, L. Mauborgne, C. Ferdinand, H. Theiling.
In CYBER 2019: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cyber-Technologies
and Cyber-Systems, Porto, 2019.
- Analyze this! Sound static analysis for integration verification of large-scale automotive software.
D. Kästner, B. Schmidt, M. Schlund, L. Mauborgne et al.
SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-1246, 2019.
- Detecting Safety- and Security-Relevant Programming Defects by Sound Static Analysis (Best Paper Award).
D. Kästner, L. Mauborgne, C. Ferdinand. In CYBER 2017: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, Barcelona, 2017. IARIA XPS Press, ISBN: 978-1-61208-605-7.
- Finding All Potential Runtime Errors and Data Races in Automotive Software.
D. Kästner, A. Miné, L. Mauborgne, X. Rival, J. Feret, P. Cousot,
A. Schmidt, H. Hille, S. Wilhelm, C. Ferdinand.
SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-0054, SAE World Congress 2017, Detroit, April 2017.
- Taking Static Analysis to the Next Level: Proving the Absence of Run-Time Errors and Data Races with Astrée.
A. Miné, L. Mauborgne, X. Rival, J. Feret,
P. Cousot, D. Kästner, S. Wilhelm, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2016: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 8th European Congress, Toulouse, January 2016.
- Automatic Quantification of Cache Side-Channels.
B. Köpf, L. Mauborgne and M. Ochoa.
In CAV 2012: International Conference on Computer Aided Verification.
Springer LNCS 7358, pp. 564–580, 2012.
- On the Strength of Owicki-Gries for Resources.
A. Malkis and L. Mauborgne.
In APLAS 2011: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems.
Springer LNCS 7078, pp. 172–187, 2011.
- The Reduced Product of Abstract Domains and the Combination of Decision Procedures.
P. Cousot, R. Cousot, and L. Mauborgne.
In FOSSACS’11: Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures.
Springer LNCS 6604, pp. 456–472, 2011.
- Finding All Runtime Errors in C Code.
D. Kästner, S. Wilhelm, S. Nenova, P. Cousot, R. Cousot,
J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné, X. Rival.
Embedded World Congress 2011, Nuremberg, 2011.
- Astrée: Proving the Absence of Runtime Errors.
D. Kästner, S. Wilhelm, S. Nenova, P. Cousot, R. Cousot,
J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné, X. Rival.
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Congress ERTS², Toulouse, 2010.
- Astrée: Nachweis der Abwesenheit von Laufzeitfehlern.
D. Kästner, C. Ferdinand, S. Wilhelm, S. Nenova, O. Honcharova, P. Cousot,
R. Cousot, J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné,
X. Rival, E.-J. Sims.
Proceedings of the GI workshop “Entwicklung zuverlässiger Software-Systeme”,
Vol. 29 of Softwaretechnik-Trends, Regensburg, August 2009.
- Space Software Validation Using Abstract Interpretation.
O. Bouissou, E. Conquet, P. Cousot, R. Cousot, J. Feret,
K. Ghorbal, E. Goubault, D. Lesens, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné,
S. Putot, X. Rival, and M. Turin.
In DASIA 2009: International Space System Engineering Conference,
Data Systems in Aerospace, vol. SP-669, pp. 1–7, Istanbul,
May 2009. ESA.
- Why does Astrée scale up?
P. Cousot, R. Cousot, J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné, D. Monniaux and X. Rival.
In Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD), 35(3):229–264, 2009.
- Combination of Abstractions in the ASTRÉE Static Analyzer.
P. Cousot, R. Cousot, J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné, D. Monniaux and X. Rival.
In Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN 2006). Secure Software and Related Issues.
Springer LNCS 4435, pp. 272–300, 2008.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Analyse statique et domaines abstraits symboliques.
Mémoire d’habilitation à diriger des recherches,
Université Paris-Dauphine, 2007.
- The trace partitioning abstract domain.
Xavier Rival and Laurent Mauborgne.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 29(5), 2007.
- The ASTRÉE Analyzer.
Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot, Jérôme Feret, Laurent Mauborgne, Antoine Miné,
David Monniaux and Xavier Rival.
In M. Sagiv, editor, European Symposium on Programming (ESOP’05),
Springer LNCS 3444, pp. 21–30, 2005.
- Trace partitioning in abstract interpretation based static analyzers.
Laurent Mauborgne and Xavier Rival.
In M. Sagiv, editor, European Symposium on Programming (ESOP’05),
Springer LNCS 3444, pp. 5–20, 2005.
- Laurent Mauborgne. ASTRÉE: Verification of absence of run-time errors.
In René Jacquart, editor, Building the Information Society
(18th IFIP World Computer Congress), pp. 384–392.
The International Federation for Information Processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
August 2004.
- A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software.
B. Blanchet, P. Cousot, R. Cousot, J. Feret,
L. Mauborgne, A. Miné, D. Monniaux, and X. Rival.
In ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI’03),
pp. 196–207, San Diego, California, USA, June 2003. ACM Press.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Infinitary relations and their representation.
Science of Computer Programming, 47:121–144, 2003.
- Design and Implementation of a Special-Purpose Static Program Analyzer for Safety-Critical Real-Time Embedded Software.
B. Blanchet, P. Cousot, R. Cousot, J. Feret, L. Mauborgne, A. Miné,
D. Monniaux and X. Rival.
In The Essence of Computation: Complexity, Analysis, Transformation.
Essays Dedicated to Neil D. Jones, Springer LNCS 2566, 2002.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Improving the representation of infinite trees to deal with sets of trees.
In G. Smolka, editor, European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2000),
Springer LNCS 1782, pp. 275–289, 2000.
- Laurent Mauborgne. An incremental unique representation for regular trees.
Nordic Journal of Computing, 7(4):290–311, 2000.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Tree schemata and fair termination.
In J. Palsberg, editor, Static Analysis Symposium (SAS’00),
Springer LNCS 1824, pp. 302–320, 2000.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Binary decision graphs.
In A. Cortesi and G. Filé, editors,
Static Analysis Symposium (SAS’99),
Springer LNCS 1694, pp. 101–116, 1999.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Representation of Sets of Trees for Abstract Interpretation.
PhD thesis, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 1999.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Abstract interpretation using typed decision graphs.
Science of Computer Programming, 31(1):91–112, May 1998.
- Laurent Mauborgne. Abstract interpretation using TDGs.
In B. le Charlier, editor, Static Analysis Symposium (SAS’94),
Springer LNCS 864, pp. 363–379, 1994.