Проект работает над интегрированным решением для одновременного проектирования оборудования и его программного обеспечения.
Главная цель: дать проектировщикам возможность предвидеть использование ресурсов на самой ранней стадии разработки ПО, вне зависимости от конечной конфигурации системы.
Консорциум: EFS, CARIAD, АбсИнт, emmtrix, Tensor Embedded, SYSGO, NXP, Университеты Аугсбурга, Любека, Клаусталя и Коттбуса.
This project aims to strengthen the technology sovereignty in Germany, starting with the competence of German companies and universities in the field of processor technology and the associated supply chains for various edge applications. This will result in new processor architectures, innovative software, and special verification approaches, thus strengthening technology sovereignty for the entire ecosystem. As a specific use case, Bosch developed a neural-network based audio-event detection model, which has been ported to a Pulpissimo-based SoC platform using components and software of the Scale4Edge ecosystem. Our contribution includes adapting the CompCert compiler for the RISC-V architecture.
Консорциум: Infineon, Алтаир, Bosch, Немецкий центр авиации и космонавтики, FZI, EPOS, SYSGO, АбсИнт, IHP, МинРес, HM Munich, Университеты Дармштадта, Дрездена, Мюнхена, Бремена, Падерборна, Фрайбурга, Тюбингена и Кайзерслаутерна.
Sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research,
this project develops tool-assisted methods for automated
recognition and rectification of security flaws in embedded systems
that can be exploited for side-channel attacks.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, FZI Karlsruhe, Kasper & Oswald.
Многонациональный проект, финансируемый Евросоюзом. Направлен на дальнейшее развитие архитектуры RISC-V и повышение её конкурентноспособности, безопасности и прозрачности. Целостный подход проекта также охватывает инструменты автоматизации электронного проектирования и полный спектр программного обеспечения.
Консорциум: NXP, ST Microelectronics, Infineon, Bosch, Siemens, Nokia, Французский комиссариат по атомной и альтернативным видам энергии, Нидерландский центр авиации и космонавтики, Общество Фраунгофера, Thales, Leonardo, MinRes, Technolution, AntMicro, SYSGO, АбсИнт, Yonga, Eclipse Foundation, Epos, Tamperen, Cargotec, CodaSip, aicas, VLSI Solution, Tensor Embedded, Irdeto, E4 Computer Engineering, Strohmayer Klaus, Accemic, Greenwaves Technologies, IMEC, Synthara, Университеты Твенте, Турина и Болоньи, Технические университеты Мюнхена, Дармштадта, Граца и Цюриха.
This project developed new formal techniques that allow execution time, energy usage, security, and other important non-functional properties of parallel software to be treated as first-class citizens. The project brought together leading industrial and academic experts in parallelism, energy modeling, worst-case execution time analysis, non-functional property analysis, compilation, security, and task coordination. Results were evaluated using industrial use cases taken from the domains of computer vision, satellites, flying drones, medicine and cybersecurity. The three-year project was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Our contribution included developing the new EnergyAnalyzer tool.
Консорциум: INRIA, Thales Alenia Space, Sky-Watch, IRIDA Labs, АбсИнт, Университеты Амстердама, Гамбурга, Бристоля, Сэнт-Эндрюс и Южной Дании.
This project developed a completely European, ITAR-free microcontroller
for space applications, with a focus on small satellites, flight control and payload
computers for the purposes of mission control, earth observation, navigation
and other applications. The microcontroller provides mechanisms
for increased reliability and adaptability with respect to the needs of the
space applications. In addition to the microcontroller, the required
ITAR-free middleware, RTOS and toolchain have been made available.
Консорциум: IHP, Sysgo, АбсИнт, RedCat Devices, Thales Alenia Space.
A civil-aviation project by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The project partners established a DO-178C/DO-330 qualifiable toolchain for multicore software
development that includes CompCert
and TimeWeaver. For demonstration,
the toolchain was used to develop a TSO-C151b Terrain Avoidance
and Warning System in accordance with DAL-C.
Консорциум: emmtrix, DLR, АбсИнт, TU Clausthal, Validas.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, this project investigated the effects of hardware errors on the software. These included single-event upsets that manifest themselves via bit flips in memory cells and registers. PROFORMA worked on models, techniques, and automatic tool chains that enable developers to formally prove whether or not hardware errors will affect particular tasks or certain functionality. Among other things, our contribution included extending the static analyzer Astrée to support taint analysis.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, Технический университет Кайзерслаутерна, Verified Systems International.
This project investigated the challenges arising from the interdependence of safety, security and performance of safety-critical systems in transportation, medicine, space, and industrial control. AQUAS aimed at efficient solutions for the entire product life-cycle, and devised a coordinated engineering approach to address the ever-growing requirements on security and performance, while maintaining safety. Our contribution included combining safety analysis in the design phase with WCET analysis in the implementation phase, performing TimingProfiler analyses of Thales Alenia Space software, and using the static analyzer Astrée to analyze SYSGO’s PikeOS operating system.
Консорциум: CEA, Thales, Thales Alenia Space, Siemens, Ansys Medini, RGB Medical Devices, SYSGO, АбсИнт, All4tec, Clearsy, Brno University of Technology, Austrian Institute of Technology, Tecnalia, ITI, Intecs, Telecom ParisTech, TrustPort, Magillem, Integrasys, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Universities of London and L’Aquila.
2021 ITEA Award of Excellence, Special Vice-Chairman’s Award.
In this project, 26 partners from five countries developed a new open standard, eFMI, to exchange physics-based models between high-level modeling and simulation environments and low-level development tools for embedded code. The standard captures functional and non-functional quality requirements, supports traceability, and enables semi-automatic generation of code that is 25% faster than state-of-the-art handwritten code. The project additionally produced 33 use cases, 40 simulation configurations, and 13 tool prototypes.
Консорциум: Bosch, Siemens, Вольво, Рено, Dassault, Maplesoft, CEA, Dana Belgium, FH Electronics, Grenoble INP, OSE Engineering, SOBEN, DLR, АбсИнт, диСпейс, ETAS, ESI ITI, e:fs, PikeTec, Autoliv, RISE, Modelon, Universities of Linköping and Antwerp.
This project developed a holistic approach for programming heterogeneous multicore and many-core architectures using automatic parallelization of model-based real-time applications. ARGO enhanced WCET-aware automatic parallelization by a cross-layer programming approach combining automatic tool-based and user-guided parallelization, thus reducing the need for expertise in programming parallel heterogeneous architectures. Among other things, our contribution included porting our flagship product aiT to Xentium, as well as supplying aiT for LEON3 with a memory-access counting extension.
Консорциум: KIT, DLR, Dassault, Fraunhofer, TEU of Western Greece, emmtrix, АбсИнт, University of Rennes 1.
A follow-up to the ARAMiS project. This time, the focus lay on optimization and advancement of the development processes, especially tools and platforms for the efficient usage of multicore technology. The applicability of all concepts and approaches was put to the test in industrial use cases from the automotive, avionics and industry automation domains. The three-year project was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Консорциум: DLR, Ауди, Bosch, Континенталь, DENSO, Шеффлер, Airbus, Дженерал Электрик, Hensoldt, Diehl Aerospace, Liebherr Aerospace, Siemens, WIKA Mobile Control, KSB, АбсИнт, Аксемик, ЭлектроБит, OpenSynergy, Силексика, Симтавижн, Вектор, Общество Фраунговера, KIT, OFFIS, ISP, fortiss, университеты Аугсбурга и Киля, технические университеты Брауншвейга, Кайзерслаутерна и Мюнхена.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
this project developed an energy-efficient computer system for processing
sensor data in automated vehicles.
Консорциум: Ауди, DENSO, Infineon, Silicon Radar, SYSGO,
АбсИнт, Cadence, IHP, Технический университет Брауншвейга.
A mid-term project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A follow-up to the FORTE project, this time focusing on verification of concurrent systems.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, ВанСпин Солюшнз, Технический университет Кайзерслаутерна.
With the aid of an all-new debugging system, this project
collected and analyzed trace data in real time. To that end,
an FPGA platform and several specialized synthesis applications
were developed. The work was funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, Аксемик, Технический университет Дармштадта, Университет Любека.
In this project, 38 partners from five countries devised an affordable and safe multicore engineering methodology that allows the industry to develop mobility solutions with trustworthy new functions at competitive prices. Our contribution included improving the usability of the formally verified CompCert compiler, raising the precision and efficiency of the static analyzer Astrée, extending the aiT WCET Analyzer to support the analysis of code running on the second generation of the Kalray MPPA processor, and extending Astrée to support AUTOSAR supplementary libraries, real-time POSIX, and sound analysis of data races and deadlocks.
Консорциум: INRIA, Airbus, ENS, Esterel, Kalray, Thales, Safran (Snecma), Safran (Sagem), Daimler, BTC, Expleo, FZI, KIT, Model Engineering, OFFIS, Bosch, АбсИнт, NXP, Recore, TNO, VDL, Verum Software, Arcticus, FindOut, KTH, Scania, Arçelik, Ericsson, Ford, Havelsan, KoçSistem, UNIT, Universities of Sorbonne, Kiel, Munich, Eindhoven, Twente, and Mälardalen.
This project enabled effective and efficient validation and verification of embedded systems, by combining advanced model-based testing technologies with static analysis and verification techniques. Led by Daimler and funded by the European ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, the project brought together 39 partners from nine countries.
Консорциум: Daimler, Airbus, Infineon, IBM, Thales, Dassault, Volvo, Siemens, CEA, ENS, Fraunhofer, BTC, ENEA, PikeTec, MBtech, OFFIS, Ansaldo, Leonardo, Selex, Ricardo, ALES, AMET, AVL LIST, All4tec, Alstom, Elvior, Alenia Aermacchi, Alten, Virtual Vehicle Research, KTH, Austrian Institute of Technology, университеты Альборга и Мэлардалена, технические университеты Мюнхена и Граца.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, this research project demonstrated the usability of multicore technology in safety-critical applications and improved the technological basis for increased safety, efficiency, and comfort in the automotive, avionics, and rail transportation domains. Our contribution included developing a new static analysis type for multi-core architectures, to automatically recognize accesses to shared resources.
Консорциум: KIT, Audi, BMW, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, Airbus, Symtavision, SYSGO, Vector, АбсИнт, OFFIS и 18 прочих.
This project worked out a methodology
for the development of complex critical applications,
notably for many-core and multicore processors. This included
a DOL-critical tool chain, Network-on-Chip tools, a code-generation tool
chain for Kalray MPPA, and runtime environment tools.
Our contribution included adapting our flagship product aiT
for the MicroBlaze architecture. The project was funded by the European
Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Information and
Communications Technologies.
Консорциум: Thales, Kalray, ARTTIC, Université Joseph Fourier,
АбсИнт, ETH Zurich, Uppsala University, TU Brunswick.
Contribute your expertise. Benefit from ours. Get in touch.
This project established a unique European virtual center of excellence, combining competencies from electrical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics and control theory, and covering all aspects of embedded-systems design from theory through to applications.
Our cluster: Compilers and Timing Analysis
Partners: ST Microelectronics, АбсИнт, TU Vienna, RWTH Aachen, Universities of Mälardalen, Saarland, Dortmund and York.
This project addressed the specification, transition and exchange of relevant timing information throughout different steps of the AUTOSAR-based development process and tool chain. This was achieved using the Timing Augmented Description Language, TADL2, that offers capabilities for symbolic time expressions modeling, probabilistic timing information, and timing constraints applied on mode definitions and aligned with EAST-ADL and AUTOSAR timing models. Our contribution included integrating the aiT WCET Analyzers and the static analyzer Astrée with TargetLink from dSPACE.
Консорциум: Volvo, INRIA, Delphi, Continental, Bosch, Rapita Systems, Arcticus, dSPACE, АбсИнт, Symtavision, Inchron, RealTime-at-Work, Time Critical Networks, Chalmers University of Technology, Universities of Brunswick, Paderborn, and Mälardalen.
A mid-term project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It improved and integrated the project partners’ formal verification techniques for C and VHDL programs, thus increasing the overall benefit of formal verification, especially for the automotive industry.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, TU Kaiserslautern.
This project devised and built a system that prevents delays
in the execution of safety-critical software, lowers
development costs and reduces complexity. The project was
partially funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework
Programme for Information and Communications Technologies.
Консорциум: The Open Group, TU Denmark, АбсИнт, GMV, Intecs,
TU Eindhoven, TU Vienna, University of York.
A follow-up to Interest, within European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration. This time the project partners created an open interoperable toolchain that fulfills the needs of the industry for designing and prototyping embedded systems. 17 interfaces between 11 tools were implemented, enabling the creation of 14 new product prototypes already before the project was completed.
Консорциум: Sysgo, Symtavision, АбсИнт, CEA, Esterel,
Atego, Evidence, TTTech. The work results were evaluated by industrial
partners that included Airbus, Thales, Magneti Marelli, and Siemens Rail Automation.
In the final project report, Airbus stated that its use of the Interested
tool chain resulted in a 48% reduction in overall project effort.
Thales reported a 25% reduction in effort, and Siemens reduced project costs by 20%.
CEA’s initial development costs were reduced by 40% and on-going
maintenance costs by 69%, while Magneti Marelli reported a 50% time saving.
A three-year focused-research project within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration. Steered by Airbus and Bosch, the project improved the design and development methods for safety-critical embedded systems, by developing architectural concepts that support the derivation of timing guarantees for hard real-time systems, and providing the corresponding architectural platforms. Our contribution included extending the aiT WCET Analyzer with UCB (Useful Cache Block) analysis, and extending the XTC (XML Timing Cookies) format to allow the transfer of UCB analysis results and cache-content information to scheduling tools.
Консорциум: Saarland University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, TU Dortmund, University of Bologna, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, АбсИнт, EADS Airbus, Bosch.
A research project funded by the European Space Agency ESA under the basic Technology Research Programme, and a follow-up project to PEAL2 (Prototype Execution-time Analyser for LEON). This time, the project partners investigated how software running on a processor with cache can achieve maximum performance while remaining testable, predictable and analyzable. The work was done with particular reference to the LEON, which is widely used in space applications. Our contribution included porting our flagship product aiT WCET Analyzer to support LEON.
Консорциум: University of Padua, Thales Alenia Space, Rapita Systems, AdaCore, АбсИнт.
The goal of this European-funded project from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking was to boost the cost efficiency of embedded-system development, safety processes, and certification. CESAR pursuited a multi-domain approach, integrating large enterprises, suppliers, SMEs, vendors of cross sectoral domains, and leading research organizations.
Консорциум: AVL LIST, Airbus, Infineon, DLR, Thales, Safran, Siemens, ABB, Hitachi, Volvo, Fiat, Delphi, Dassault, Esterel, CEA, CNRS, INRIA, ONERA, Selex, NTNU, KTH, SINTEF, BTC Embedded Systems, Fraunhofer, АбсИнт, OFFIS, alenia, Danieli Automation, Virtual Vehicle Research, Critical Software, Acciona Construccion, Tecnalia, Auvation Software, Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Universities of Oxford, Manchester, Athens, Thessaloniki, Trieste, and Bologna.
A two-year project supported by the ITEA2 program (Information Technology for European Advancement). It focused on the improvement, integration, and dissemination of product-based software verification techniques.
Консорциум: CS Information Systems, Airbus, АбсИнт, Daimler, Esterel, Thales, CEA, Peugeot Citroën, Continental, EADS, ENS, ONERA, Fraunhofer FIRST, GTD Spain, Institut für Bahntechnik, Saarland University, TUs of Munich and Madrid.
A middle-term research project focused on creation of a continuous development process for embedded systems which allows formal verification of safety-critical real-time aspects.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, DFKI, Symtavision, ScopeSET, aicas allerton, TUs Dresden, Brunswick, and Munich.
A research project within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration. The aim was to combine available timing tools, thus strengthening the European lead in the timing-analysis area. ALL-TIMES successfully enabled interoperability of various tools from SMEs and universities, and developed integrated tool chains using open tool frameworks and interfaces.
Консорциум: Mälardalen University, АбсИнт, TU Vienna, Symtavision, Gliwa, Rapita Systems.
This project identified, quantified and certified resource-bounded code
in a domain-specific high-level programming language for real-time
embedded systems. Using formal models of resource consumption as
a basis, the project developed static analyses for time and space consumption
and assessed these against realistic applications for embedded systems.
Консорциум: University of St. Andrews, Heriot-Watt University, АбсИнт, Ludwig-Maximillian University, LASMEA.
This long-term project developed and supported industrially applicable techniques for software specification, design, and development. Particular emphasis was put on methods supporting the development of software for communication and control applications.
Uppsala University, Mälardalen University, SICS, ABB, Ericsson, Volvo, IAR, T-Mobile UK, АбсИнт, Telelogic, Arcticus, Cross Country Systems, ENEA, ESAB, Mecel, Mobile Arts, Prover Technology, TIDORUM, UPAAL, Validation, WM Data Validation, Virustech, Volcano Communication Technologies, ESAB Welding Equipment.
This long-term research project focused on creation of methods and tools which allow persistent formal verification of the design of integrated computer systems. Among other things, from 2007 to 2010 researchers from the Verisoft XT project partnered up with Microsoft to verify code from Hyper-V, a multi-core x64 hypervisor, using a verifier for concurrent C code.
Консорциум и партнёры: БМВ, Университет Земли Саарской, АбсИнт, DFKI, Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, Audi, Infineon, Bosch, Microsoft, Sysgo, TÜV Süd, ВанСпин Солюшнз, Universities of Bremen, Freiburg, and Koblenz, TU Kaiserslautern, TU Munich, ESG, Sirrix, and others.
This project significantly improved the integration and interoperability of various tools for embedded-software development, in addition to developing novel techniques for system-level and node-level analysis of nonfunctional properties such as worst-case execution timing, stack usage and schedulability. Our contribution included the integration of aiT and StackAnalyzer with SCADE, ASCET, SymTA/S, and RT-Druid.
Консорциум: АбсИнт, Esterel, ETAS, Symtavision, Evidence, DecomSys, Unis.
A shared-cost research and technology development project
of the European IST Programme, focused on validation
of critical avionics software. Our contribution included creating
the first market-ready version of our flagship product aiT
for static analysis of the worst-case execution time of tasks in real-time systems.
Консорциум: Airbus, ENS, АбсИнт, ПолиСпас,
CEA, CNRS-LIX, Университеты Копенгагена, Тель-Авива, Трира и Земли Саарской.
Германия | ||
SYSGO | AQUAS, TwinSpace, MORAL, Scale4Edge, Interested, EMPHASE, ARAMiS, ARAMiS II, Verisoft XT, TRISTAN | |
Мюнхенский технический университет | ASSUME, Scale4Edge, SuReal, ES_PASS, MBAT, ARAMiS II, Verisoft, Verisoft XT, TRISTAN | |
Немецкий центр авиации и космонавтики | ARGO, CESAR, QSMA, Scale4Edge, EMPHYSIS, ARAMiS II, Verisoft, Verisoft XT | |
Symtavision нынче Luxoft | ALL-TIMES, SuReal, Interest, Interested, ARAMiS, ARAMiS II, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Infineon | CESAR, Scale4Edge, EMPHASE, Verisoft, Verisoft XT, TRISTAN | |
Университет Земли Саарской | Verisoft, Verisoft XT, artist2, DAEDALUS, PREDATOR, ES_PASS | |
Различные организации и институты Общества Фраунгофер | MBAT, ARAMiS II, CESAR, TRISTAN, ARGO, ES_PASS | |
Олденбургский институт информационных технологий | ASSUME, CESAR, MBAT, ARAMiS, ARAMiS II, Verisoft | |
Siemens | CESAR, EMPHYSIS, MBAT, ARAMiS II, Interested, Scale4Edge | |
Технический университет Кайзерслаутерна | Scale4Edge, Verisoft XT, PROFORMA, ARAMiS II, FORTE, FORTISSIMO | |
Брауншвейгский технический университет | SuReal, CERTAINTY, EMPHASE, ARAMiS II, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Университет Дармштадтский | CONIRAS, Scale4Edge, Verisoft, Verisoft XT, TRISTAN | |
Audi | EMPHASE, Verisoft XT, ARAMiS, ARAMiS II | |
Технологический институт Карлсруэ | ARGO, ASSUME, ARAMiS, ARAMiS II | |
BTC Embedded Systems | ASSUME, CESAR, MBAT | |
OneSpin Solutions | Verisoft, Verisoft XT, FORTISSIMO | |
Институт микроэлектроники имени Лейбница | MORAL, Scale4Edge, EMPHASE | |
Исследовательский центр по информационным технологиям города Карлсруэ | ASSUME, FreeSBee, Scale4Edge | |
Continental | ARAMiS, ARAMiS II, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Немецкий исследовательский центр по искусственному интеллекту | Verisoft, Verisoft XT, SuReal | |
Университет Любека | CONIRAS, TwinSpace, ARAMiS II | |
emmtrix | ARGO, QSMA, TwinSpace | |
aicas | SuReal, TRISTAN | |
Аугсбургский университет | TwinSpace, ARAMiS II | |
BMW | Verisoft, ARAMiS | |
Бременский университет | Verisoft XT, Scale4Edge | |
Дортмундский технический университет | PREDATOR, artist2 | |
Дрезденский технический университет | Scale4Edge, SuReal | |
e:fs TechHub | TwinSpace, EMPHYSIS | |
EPOS Embedded Code & Power Systems | Scale4Edge, TRISTAN | |
ESG | Verisoft XT, Interested | |
ETAS | EMPHYSIS, Interest | |
Институт информатики имени Макса Планка | Verisoft, Verisoft XT | |
Кильский университет | ASSUME, ARAMiS II | |
Клаустальский технический университет | QSMA, TwinSpace | |
MINRES Technologies | Scale4Edge, TRISTAN | |
NXP | TwinSpace, TRISTAN | |
PikeTec нынче Синопсис | EMPHYSIS, MBAT | |
Tensor Embedded | TwinSpace, TRISTAN | |
Университет Кобленца | Verisoft, Verisoft XT | |
Университет Падерборна | Scale4Edge, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Фрайбургский университет | Scale4Edge, Verisoft XT | |
Vector Informatik | ARAMiS, ARAMiS II | |
Altair Engineering | Scale4Edge | |
Ansys Medini Technologies | AQUAS | |
cadence | EMPHASE | |
CARIAD (Фольксваген) | TwinSpace | |
CodaSip | TRISTAN | |
Diehl Aerospace | ARAMiS II | |
General Electric | ARAMiS II | |
Eclipse Foundation Europe | TRISTAN | |
edacentrum | Scale4Edge | |
ElektroBit | ARAMiS II | |
Expleo Germany | ASSUME | |
fortiss Research Institute of Bavaria | ARAMiS II | |
Gliwa | ALL-TIMES | |
Hensoldt | ARAMiS II | |
HM, Munich University of Applied Sciences | Scale4Edge | |
Inchron | TIMMO-2-USE | |
Institut für Bahntechnik | ES_PASS | |
Kasper & Oswald | FreeSBee | |
Lauterbach | Scale4Edge | |
Liebherr Aerospace | ARAMiS II | |
LMU, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | EmBounded | |
Microsoft | Verisoft XT | |
MBtech Group | MBAT | |
Model Engineering Solutions | ASSUME | |
OpenSynergy | ARAMiS II | |
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences | AQUAS | |
RWTH Aachen | artist2 | |
Schaeffler | ARAMiS II | |
ScopeSET | SuReal | |
Silexica | ARAMiS II | |
Silicon Radar | EMPHASE | |
Sirrix | Verisoft XT | |
T-Systems International | Verisoft | |
Thales Transport Solutions Deutschland | ES_PASS | |
Timing Architects | ARAMiS II | |
Гамбургский технический университет | TeamPlay | |
TÜV Süd | Verisoft XT | |
University of Cottbus-Senftenberg | TwinSpace | |
Университет Трира | DAEDALUS | |
Университет Тюбингена | Scale4Edge | |
Validas | QSMA | |
Verified Systems International | PROFORMA | |
WIKA Mobile Control | ARAMiS II |
Франция | ||
Комиссариат по атомной и альтернативным видам энергии (CEA) | AQUAS, CESAR, DAEDALUS, Interested, ES_PASS, MBAT, EMPHYSIS, TRISTAN | |
Esterel | ASSUME, CESAR, Interest, Interested, ES_PASS | |
Национальный институт исследований в информатике и автоматике (INRIA) | ASSUME, CESAR, TeamPlay, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Dassault | CESAR, MBAT, EMPHYSIS | |
Delphi | CESAR, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Французский центр аэрокосмических исследований (ONERA) | ES_PASS, CESAR | |
Safran и Sagem | ASSUME, CESAR | |
Siemens | AQUAS, EMPHYSIS | |
ST Microelectronics | TRISTAN, artist2 | |
All4tec, Alliance pour les Technologies de l’Informatique | MBAT, AQUAS | |
AdaCore | COLA | |
Альстом | MBAT | |
Клирси | AQUAS | |
Национальный центр научных исследований (CNRS) | CESAR | |
Континенталь | ES_PASS | |
CS Systèmes d’Information | ES_PASS | |
Европейский аэрокосмический и оборонный концерн (EADS) нынче Airbus | ES_PASS | |
FH Electronics | EMPHYSIS | |
Greenwaves Technologies | TRISTAN | |
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom ParisTech | AQUAS | |
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse | ES_PASS | |
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble | EMPHYSIS | |
LASMEA, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand | EmBounded | |
Magillem Design Services | AQUAS | |
NXP Semiconductors France | TRISTAN | |
OSE Engineering | EMPHYSIS | |
Пежо-Ситроен | ES_PASS | |
ПолиСпас | DAEDALUS | |
RealTime-at-Work | TIMMO-2-USE | |
Рено | EMPHYSIS | |
Bosch | TRISTAN | |
Scilab Enterprises, Dassault Systèmes | ARGO | |
Soben | EMPHYSIS | |
Joseph Fourier University | CERTAINTY | |
University of Rennes 1 | ARGO | |
Университет Сорбонна | ASSUME |
Швеция | ||
Mälardalen University | ALL-TIMES, ASSUME, ASTEC, artist2, MBAT, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Volvo incl. Volvo Technology, Volvo Teknisk Utveckling, Volvo Personvagnar | CESAR, MBAT, ASTEC, EMPHYSIS, TIMMO-2-USE | |
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology | ASSUME, CESAR, MBAT | |
Arcticus Systems | ASSUME, ASTEC, TIMMO-2-USE | |
Uppsala University | ASTEC, CERTAINTY | |
RISE SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science | EMPHYSIS, ASTEC | |
Linköping University | EMPHYSIS | |
Скания | ASSUME | |
Hitachi Energy | CESAR | |
ABB Automation Technologies | ASTEC | |
Alten | MBAT | |
Autoliv | EMPHYSIS | |
Chalmers University of Technology | TIMMO-2-USE | |
Cross Country Systems | ASTEC | |
Dassault Systems Sweden | EMPHYSIS | |
Эрикссон | ASTEC | |
ESAB Welding Equipment | ASTEC | |
FindOut Technologies | ASSUME | |
IAR Systems | ASTEC | |
IBM Svenska | MBAT | |
Mecel | ASTEC | |
Mobile Arts | ASTEC | |
Modelon | EMPHYSIS | |
Prover Technology | ASTEC | |
Telelogic | ASTEC | |
Time Critical Networks | TIMMO-2-USE | |
Validation | ASTEC | |
WM Data Validation | ASTEC | |
VINNOVA, Swedish government agency for R&D | ASTEC | |
Virtutech | ASTEC | |
Volcano Communication Technologies | ASTEC |
Италия | ||
Università di Bologna | CESAR, PREDATOR, TRISTAN | |
Selex Sistemi Integrati | CESAR, MBAT | |
Intecs Solutions | AQUAS, T-CREST | |
Evidence | Interest, Interested | |
Leonardo | MBAT, TRISTAN | |
Alenia Aermacchi | MBAT, CESAR | |
Università degli studi dell’Aquila | AQUAS | |
Hitachi Rail | CESAR | |
Centro Ricerche FIAT | CESAR | |
Danieli Automation | CESAR | |
Università degli studi di Trieste | CESAR | |
RedCat Devices | MORAL | |
Magneti Marelli | Interested | |
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | PREDATOR | |
Ansaldo | MBAT | |
ST Microelectronics | TRISTAN | |
E 4 Computer Engineering | TRISTAN | |
Politecnico di Torino | TRISTAN | |
Падуйский университет | COLA |
Великобритания | ||
Рапита Системз | ALL-TIMES, TIMMO-2-USE, COLA | |
Сент-Эндрюсский университет | EmBounded, TeamPlay | |
Йоркский университет | artist2, T-CREST | |
Airbus | MBAT, CESAR | |
Atego Systems | Interested | |
Auvation Software | CESAR | |
Quintec Associates | CESAR | |
Рикардо | MBAT | |
T-Мобайл | ASTEC | |
Бристольский университет | TeamPlay | |
Heriot-Watt University | EmBounded | |
City, University of London | AQUAS | |
Университет Манчестера | CESAR | |
Оксфордский университет | CESAR |
Нидерланды | ||
Технический университет Эйндховена | ASSUME, T-CREST | |
Университет Твенте | ASSUME, TRISTAN | |
Университет Амстердама | TeamPlay | |
Нидерландский центр авиации и космонавтики | TRISTAN | |
NXP Semiconductors Netherlands | ASSUME | |
Irdeto | TRISTAN | |
Recore Systems | ASSUME | |
Technolution | TRISTAN | |
VDL Enabling Transport Solutions | ASSUME | |
Verum Software Tools | ASSUME |
Австрия | ||
Венский технический университет | ALL-TIMES, T-CREST, artist2 | |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | AQUAS, MBAT | |
AVL List | CESAR, MBAT | |
Infineon | CESAR, MBAT | |
Virtual Vehicle Research | CESAR, MBAT | |
Siemens | AQUAS, TRISTAN | |
Decomsys (now ElektroBit) | Interest | |
TTTech Computertechnik | Interested | |
NXP Semiconductors Austria | TRISTAN | |
Strohmayer Klaus | TRISTAN |
Испания | ||
Thales Alenia Space | AQUAS, MORAL, COLA, TeamPlay | |
Tecnalia Research & Innovation | AQUAS, CESAR | |
Acciona Construccion | CESAR | |
Instituto Tecnológico de Informática | AQUAS | |
Intergrasys | AQUAS | |
RGB Medical Devices | AQUAS | |
Технический университет Мадрида | ES_PASS |
Греция | ||
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | CESAR | |
Hellenic Aerospace Industry | CESAR | |
Irida Labs | TeamPlay | |
Технический университет Афин | CESAR | |
Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece | ARGO | |
Athina-Erevnitiko Kentro Kainotomias stis Technologies tis Pliroforias, ton Epikoinonion kai tis Gnosis | CESAR |
Турция | ||
Arçelik | ASSUME | |
Эрикссон | ASSUME | |
Форд | ASSUME | |
Havelsan | ASSUME | |
KoçSistem Information and Communication Services | ASSUME | |
UNIT Information Technologies R&D | ASSUME | |
Yongatec Microelectronics | TRISTAN |
Дания | ||
Университет Копенгагена | DAEDALUS | |
Университет Южной Дании | TeamPlay | |
Sky-Watch | TeamPlay | |
Аальборгский университет | MBAT | |
Технический университет Лингби | T-CREST |
Бельгия | ||
Dana Belgium | EMPHYSIS | |
Siemens Industry Software | EMPHYSIS | |
Университет Антверпена | EMPHYSIS | |
The Open Group | T-CREST | |
IMEC, Interuniversity Microelectronics Center | TRISTAN |
Финляндия | ||
Cargotec | TRISTAN | |
VLSI Solution | TRISTAN | |
Нокия | TRISTAN | |
Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio | TRISTAN |
Норвегия | ||
NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology | CESAR | |
SINTEF, Independent Organisation for Applied Research, Technology and Innovation | CESAR |
Чехия | ||
UNIS | Interest, Interested | |
Технический университет в Брно | AQUAS | |
TrustPort | AQUAS |
Португалия | ||
Critical Software | CESAR | |
Израиль | ||
Университет Тель-Авива | DAEDALUS | |
Siemens | TRISTAN |
Швейцария | ||
Швейцарский государственный технологический институт, ETH | PREDATOR, CERTAINTY, TRISTAN | |
Synthara | TRISTAN |
Эстония | ||
Эльвиор | MBAT |
Канада | ||
Мейплсофт | EMPHYSIS |
Польша | ||
Антмикро | TRISTAN |
Румыния | ||
NXP Semiconductors Romania | TRISTAN |