Markus Pister studied computer science at the University of Saarland.
At AbsInt, he is the lead developer of Qualification Support Kits.
Selected publications
- Multi-Core WCET Analysis Using Non-Intrusive Continuous Observation.
D. Kästner, G. Gebhard, M. Pister, S. Wegener, C. Ferdinand, A. Schulz, M. Sachenbacher, M. Leucker, A. Weiss.
In ERTS 2024: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 12th European Congress, Toulouse, June 2024.
- Satisfying Timing Requirements for Safety-Critical Real-Time Software.
D. Kästner, C. Hümbert, G. Gebhard, M. Pister, S. Wegener, C. Ferdinand.
Embedded World Congress 2024, Nuremberg.
- Obtaining DO-178C Certification Credits by Static Program Analysis.
D. Kästner, M. Pister, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2022: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 11th European Congress, Toulouse, June 2022.
- Taming Timing — Combining Static Analysis with Non-Intrusive Tracing to Compute WCET Bounds on Multicore Processors.
D. Kästner, C. Hümbert, G. Gebhard, M. Pister, S. Wegener, C. Ferdinand.
Embedded World Congress 2021, Virtual Conference.
- Testing Implementation Soundness of a WCET Analysis Tool,
R. Wilhelm, M. Pister, G. Gebhard, and D. Kästner.
In Jian-Jia Chen, Ed., A Journey of Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems,
Springer Open Access, 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-47487-4 (eBook).
- Obtaining worst-case execution time bounds on modern microprocessors (PDF, 900kB).
D. Kästner, M. Pister, S. Wegener, and C. Ferdinand.
Embedded World Congress, Nuremberg, 2018.
- CompCert — A Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler (Best Paper Award).
X. Leroy, S. Blazy, D. Kästner, B. Schommer, M. Pister, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2016: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 8th European Congress, Toulouse, January 2016.
- Combining Model-based Analysis and Testing.
D. Kästner, U. Brockmeyer, M. Pister, S. Nenova,
T. Bienmüller, A. Dereani, C. Ferdinand.
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Congress ERTSĀ², Toulouse, 2014.
- Reliability of WCET Analysis.
D. Kästner, M. Pister, G. Gebhard, C. Ferdinand.
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Congress
ERTSĀ², Toulouse, 2014.
- Confidence in Timing.
D. Kästner, M. Pister, G. Gebhard, M. Schlickling, C. Ferdinand.
Proceedings of the Safecomp 2013 Workshop:
Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Safety-Critical Systems (SASSUR),
Toulouse, 2013.
- Meeting Real-Time Requirements with Multi-Core Processors.
D. Kästner, M. Schlickling, M. Pister, C. Cullmann, G. Gebhard,
R. Heckmann, C. Ferdinand.
Safecomp 2012 Workshop: Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches
for Safety-Critical Systems (SASSUR), Magdeburg, 2012.
- An Abstraction-Aware Compiler for VHDL Models.
Mohamed Abdel Maksoud, Markus Pister, Marc Schlickling.
ICCES 2009, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 14–16 December 2009.
- Timing Validation of Automotive Software.
D. Kästner, R. Wilhelm, R. Heckmann,
M. Schlickling, M. Pister,
M. Jersak, K. Richter, C. Ferdinand.
3rd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods,
Verification and Validation (ISOLA), Kassandra, Greece, 2008.
- A Framework for Static Analysis of VHDL Code.
M. Schlickling and M. Pister. Proceedings of the 7th International
Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis in Pisa, Italy, July 3, 2007.
Christine Rochange, editor.
- Generic Software Pipelining at the Assembly Level.
M. Pister and D. Kästner.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems
(SCOPES 2005), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 136, pp. 50–61.
New York, ACM Press, 2005.