Michael Schmidt

Michael Schmidt

Michael Schmidt studied computer science at the University of Saarland. He is one of the lead developers of the formally-verified CompCert compiler. In this capacity, in 2021 he was acknowledged by the ACM as one of the recipients of the ACM Software Award.

Research interests

  • Compiler construction
  • Code generation
  • Graph visualization
  • macOS

Selected publications

  • Embedded Program Annotations for WCET Analysis. B. Schommer, C. Cullmann, G. Gebhard, X. Leroy, M. Schmidt, S. Wegener. In WCET 2018, 8:1–8:13.
  • Closing the Gap — The Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler CompCert. D. Kästner, X. Leroy, S. Blazy, B. Schommer, M. Schmidt, C. Ferdinand. In Proceedings of the 25th Safety-Critical System Symposium SSS 2017, February 2017, Bristol, UK.
  • Multi-core Interference-Sensitive WCET Analysis Leveraging Runtime Resource Capacity Enforcement.. J. Nowotsch, M. Paulitsch, D. Buhler, H. Theiling, M. Schmidt, S. Wegener. In ECRTS 2014, 109–118.
  • Reliable and Precise WCET Determination for a Real-Life Processor. Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Marc Langenbach, Florian Martin, Michael Schmidt, Henrik Theiling, Stephan Thesing, Reinhard Wilhelm. EMSOFT 2001, pages 469–485.
  • Run-Time Guarantees for Real-Time Systems — The USES Approach. Christian Ferdinand, Daniel Kästner, Marc Langenbach, Florian Martin, Michael Schmidt, Jörn Schneider, Henrik Theiling, Stephan Thesing, and Reinhard Wilhelm. Proceedings of the ATPS99, Paderborn, Germany.